A Divine Dream

Carter is excited to see you. He explains that while he was in the confession booth, in the middle of "spiritual contemplation" (in other words, a pleasant dream), he heard a voice whisper to him. The mysterious voice told Carter that good fortune would come to him. Though it was just a vision, Carter wonders what it meant.

Zack enters the church looking for Carter. It's unusual to see Zack here at this hour, but the shipper explains that he stopped by to tell Carter that he had located the item that Carter had wanted. The priest likes good news! Carter explained that it wasn't in stock, but he did some calling around to find it. Zack reminds him to stop by the store to pick it up and then leaves.

Carter is convinced that the dream must have been right about his good luck, though he doesn't feel bad about taking "restful contemplation" (i.e., a nap) in the confession booth.

Result: No FP or LP gain