Kai and Rick Argue
- Walk from Rose Plaza to Mineral Beach
- 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
- Not Sunday
- Any weather
- Summer season
- You are not married to Popuri
Rick is confronting Kai about what he had told him before: leave Popuri alone! Kai has no idea what Rick is referring to. Rick knows that Popuri keeps coming to the beach to see Kai. Kai replies that her coming to the beach doesn't mean anything, and Popuri comes here to visit because she wants to. Rick tells Kai that his sister comes here because of him. Kai tells Rick that he's sorry that Popuri has such an overbearing brother!
Rick becomes boggled and demands that Kai stay away from his sister. Kai replies that he will not do that. What would Rick do if Popuri came to visit anyway? Rick reminds Kai to keep away from his sister before storming off.
Result: No FP or LP gain