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The town's church is located in the northeast corner of town. Carter keeps the doors open from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. He's always trying to help out the townsfolks when he can, even if it is just as simple as listening to someone's troubles.

Carter doesn't sell anything, but he does have a free confessional service, located in the corner of the church. This door is locked when Carter is not inside. The confessional is open from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and any rainy day. Typically on sunny weather days he is outside the church with Mei and Yu, but on rainy days he goes into the confessional booth for "contemplation," which is a fancy way of describing a nice afternoon nap.

You'll receive three options when you walk into Carter's confessional:

Unequip a Cursed Tool

The cursed tools are located on specific floors of the Lake Mine. The curse is activated when a cursed tool becomes equipped as the active tool, preventing any other tool from being the active tool in your rucksack. The only ways to unequip a cursed too is to either request Carter to remove it as your active tool while he is in his confessional booth or have the curse permanently removed. Carter will charge 1000 G for receiving a holy blessing to remove the cursed tool from your equipped item slot.

You can permanently purge the curse from a cursed tool by doing the following actions:

If you don't have a cursed tool equipped when you ask him about cursed tools, Carter will simply remind you about the dangers of unholy tools. You can use Carter's blessing multiple times per day, but you'll have to pay the 1000 G fee each time.

Make a Confession

Carter will offer three sets of wrongdoings you can confess to. Carter will only listen to one selected confession per day.

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Whichever option you choose from your set of available choices, Carter will give his opinion on the matter and either forgive you or, in a loving way, confirm how much of a jerk he thinks you are. Most of the time you'll be scolded.

Every so often you will be forgiven, which can result in a little bit of a benefit depending on the offense you confessed to doing. For example, being forgiven for working yourself to collapse will result in a +10 Stamina recovery. Being forgiven for littering or the townsfolks not liking you will increase your Friendship Points with the villagers a tiny bit, perhaps only +5 FP or less; during testing, being forgiven was enough to bump Saibara from 3 notes to 4 notes, but not enough to move anyone else's friendship note levels. Confessing to not caring for your animals properly will result in a small boost of friendship to all your farmyard friends if you're forgiven.

The two options in Set 3 for marrying either Harvest Goddess or Kappa are part of their marriage requirements.

Just saying hi

This option lets you exit back to the church.