The Local Stores

In Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns, there are nine shops to buy items from. Five of the shops are in Bluebell Town, and four are in Konohana Town. Both towns have a general goods shop, a food shop, and a pet shop. In Bluebell you'll find the animal ranching and flower shop, and Konohana has the crop seed shop.

You can buy items from each town's retail stores at any time. You'll just have to travel to the other town to go shopping! You may find that the other town charges you more money to buy items. There is a 5% markup on the price of items if you don't lived in that town. For example, if you start out living in Bluebell the cost of a chicken will be 1500 G, but if you start in Konohana the same chicken will cost you 1575 G. The price for goods will increase (or decrease) until you've completed the tunnel between the towns.

Most town shops will be closed when it rains all day. For some reason villagers don't like to sell goods on days where the morning and afternoon weather calls for rain. If only half the day will be rain, then the shops will be open for business. You can learn the day's weather by listening to the Radio in your house.

Cam's Flower Stand in Bluebell is the only shop that stays open on all-day rainy days.

Shopkeepers will set out their random goods when their stores open, usually between 3 and 5 items to sell that day.

Bluebell Shops

Jessica's Animals

Shop Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Wednesdays

There are two "shops" at the animal ranch. Jessica will sell animals and her daughter Cheryl will sell animal staples like food and medicine. Both ladies will be behind the counter in their house.

Chicken Feed80 GAny SeasonNone
Fodder60 GAny SeasonNone
Animal Medicine500 GAny SeasonNone
Treat500 GAny SeasonNone
Vegetable Treat700 GAny SeasonStarting in Fall, Year 1
Grain Treat700 GAny SeasonStarting in Winter, Year 1
Nutra Treat700 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2
Chick800 GAny SeasonNone
Chicken1500 GAny SeasonMust buy 1 Chick
Silkie Chick2500 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2
Silkie Chicken6000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2
Calf1500 GAny SeasonNone
Cow3000 GAny SeasonMust buy 1 Calf
Jersey Calf5500 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2
Jersey Cow13,500 GAny SeasonStaring in Spring, Year 2
Lamb3000 GAny SeasonMust buy 1 Chick and 1 Calf
Sheep7000 GAny SeasonMust buy 1 Lamb
Suffolk Lamb4500 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2
Suffolk Sheep10,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2
Alpaca, White18,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Fall, Year 2
Alpaca, Brown18,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Fall, Year 2

Jessica will also buy your chickens, sheep, cows, and alpaca. The price she pays will vary depending on the number of hearts the animal has. An animal with 0 hearts will only earn you the base sell price of 800 G. The more hearts the animal has, the higher her purchase price will be. Jessica has a maximum purchase price for each type of animal:

  • Chicken: 1600 G
  • Silkie Chicken: 5200 G
  • Sheep: 6000 G
  • Suffolk Sheep: 8400 G
  • Cow: 2800 G
  • Jersey Cow: 11,200 G
  • Alpaca: 14,800 G

You can also ask Jessica to breed your animals. When you hire her for animal breeding, she will visit your farm and take away the animal you wish to breed. Two weeks later, she will return with the original animal and the baby animal. Breeding a chicken costs 700 G and breeding a cow or sheep costs 2500 G. Jessica will only take one of your animals at a time to breed it. If you want another, you'll have to wait until she returns the parent and child before you can ask her to impregnate another one.

Enrique's Shop

Shop Hours: 8:00 am to 9:00 pm
Closed: Saturdays

Diego and Enrique live in the back of the shop. Diego will mind their chickens while Enrique manages the shop inventory. On Saturdays the two brothers will hike along the mountain path. Their shop inventory is practically the same as Raul's shop in Konohana, but Enrique sells Flour and Raul sells Rice.

Pet Food150 GAny SeasonOwn a dog or a cat
Owl Food150 GAny SeasonOwn the owl
Horse Treat150 GAny SeasonNone
Dog Bone2500 GAny SeasonOwn a dog
Cat Bell2500 GAny SeasonOwn a cat
Green Umbrella500 GAny SeasonNone
Blue Umbrella500 GAny SeasonNone
Oil100 GAny SeasonNone
Flour150 GAny SeasonNone
Curry Powder220 GSpring and WinterNone
Rice Candy200 GSummer and FallOwn a Dog Bone or Cat Bell (yr 2 or later)
Chili Pepper800 GSummer and FallNone
Seaweed180 GSpring and SummerNone
Sea Urchin500 GSpring and SummerNone
Edamame400 GSummer, Fall, and WinterNone
Truffle1000 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 2 and you own a Dog Bone or Cat Bell
Fall Sun2000 GAny SeasonStarting in Summer, Year 1. Only one for sale.
Winter Sun2000 GAny SeasonStarting in Winter, Year 1. Only one for sale
Blue Feather10,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2 and you have a pink flower with a bachelor or bachelorette

Cam's Flowers

Shop Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays

Cam's flower stand is right outside the food shop. He will have flower seeds and flowers for sale. Cam will also create bouquets and perfume for you. He will charge you 200 G for his work and you will need to hand over 3 flowers for the creation. Sometimes you can earn more profit by shipping his flower creations, but sometimes it will be worth less than the individual flowers if you had shipped them.

Citrus Perfume120 GAny SeasonStarting in Fall, Year 1
Herb Perfume120 GSpring, Summer, and FallStarting in Fall, Year 1
Rose Perfume1570 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2
Spring Perfume1150 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 2
Summer Perfume1930 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 2
Fall Perfume1160 GFallNone
Winter Perfume1150 GWinterNone
Carnation650 GSpringNone
Carnation Seeds250 GSpringNone
Marguerite420 GSpringNone
Marguerite Seeds140 GSpringNone
Pink Rose640 GSpringNone
Pink Rose Seeds260 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 2
Casablanca830 GSpringNone
Casablanca Seeds280 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 3
Red Rose660 GSummerNone
Red Rose Seeds120 GSummerNone
Sunflower840 GSummerNone
Sunflower Seeds260 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 2
Gerbera650 GFallNone
Gerbera Seeds250 GFallNone
Nadeshiko430 GFallNone
Nadeshiko Seeds120 GFallNone
White Rose800 GFallNone
White Rose Seeds200 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 2
Gentian420 GWinterNone
Gentian Seeds140 GWinterNone
Snowdrop630 GWinterNone
Snowdrop Seeds230 GWinterNone
Blue Rose3500 GWinterNone
Blue Rose Seeds1500 GWinterStarting in Winter, Year 2

Howard's Cafe

Shop Hours:10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Closed: Thursdays

Howard sells edible dishes at his cafe. He seems to sell a lot of dessert recipes, so if you're looking for treats to give to people then keep an eye on his inveltory.

Onion Salad230 GSpringNone
Mimosa Salad1000 GSpringYear 2 or later
Tomato Salad130 GSummerNone
Caprese Salad170 GSummer / WinterYear 2 or later
Potato Salad360 GFallNone
Herb Salad60 GWinterNone
Onion Soup390 GSpringNone
Asparagus Soup470 GSpringNone
Gazpacho420 GSummer / WinterNone
Radish Soup340 GSummerNone
Vichyssoise550 GFallNone
Pumpkin Soup530 GFall / WinterNone
Sauteed Turnips350 GSpringNone
Cabbage Rolls510 GSpringNone
Fried Egg140 GSpringNone
Fish and Chips370 GSpringNone
French Fries280 GSummerNone
Popcorn220 GSummerNone
Toast100 GSummerNone
Honey Toast230 GSummerNone
Boiled Potato430 GFallNone
Roasted Mushroom110 GFallNone
Steamed Mushrooms50 GFallNone
Croquette330 GFallNone
Sandwich310 GWinterNone
Curry Bread230 GWinterNone
Cream Croquette410 GWinterNone
Main Dish
Omelet250 GSpringNone
Penne Pasta150 GSpringNone
Dry Curry220 GSpringNone
Pizzoccheri260 GSpringNone
Omelet Rice320 GSummerNone
Pizza290 GSummerNone
Marinated Fish350 GSummerNone
Curry Rice430 GSummerNone
Canape290 GFallNone
Cheese Fondue210 GFallNone
Meuniere220 GFallNone
Mushroom Pasta170 GFallNone
Galette210 GWinterNone
Gratin390 GWinterNone
Risotto410 GWinterNone
Stew410 GWinterNone
Lasagna350 GWinterNone
Moussaka510 GWinterNone
Sponge Cake170 GSpringNone
Honey Cake640 GSpringNone
Scone600 GSpringNone
Choc. Sponge Cake650 GSpringNone
Chocolate Donuts1040 GSpringNone
Honey Pudding340 GSpringNone
Cheesecake320 GSummerNone
Ice Cream140 GSummerNone
Cookies310 GSummerNone
Choc. Ice Cream600 GSummerNone
Chocolate Banana880 GSummerNone
Fruit Parfait1030 GSummerNone
Yam Dessert330 GFallNone
Pumpkin Pudding710 GFallNone
Stewed Apple330 GFallNone
Apple Pie420 GFallNone
Mont Blanc500 GFallNone
Rice Pudding280 GFallNone
Pudding220 GWinterNone
Chocolate Cookies850 GWinterNone
Chocolate Cake990 GWinterNone
Chocolate Pudding680 GWinterNone
Soft Chocolates790 GWinterNone
Tiramisu1250 GWinterNone
Honey Tea220 GSpringNone
Honey Shake490 GSpringNone
Honey Wine (Glass)410 GSpringYear 2 or later
Herb Tea60 GSummerNone
Cafe au Lait250 GSummerNone
Sangria420 GSummerNone
Chicha (Glass)380 GSummerYear 2 or later
Straight Tea70 GFallNone
Hot Coffee150 GFallNone
Cappuccino380 GFallNone
Red Wine (Glass)250 GFallNone
Chestnut Wine Gls300 GFallYear 2 or later
Rose Tea520 GWinterNone
Russian Tea90 GWinterNone
Hot Chocolate630 GWinterNone
Beer (Glass)260 GWinterYear 2 or later

Grady's Animals

Shop Hours:10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Mondays and Thursdays

Pets can be bought from Grady. His shop inventory is the same as Kana's Animals shop in Konohana. You can also rent horses and buy horse carts for your farm. Once you buy a horse cart, you can return to the shop to increase the number of inventory items it can hold. The cost to add an additional 12 slots (a "page") is the same for every type of cart you own, but each cart is remodeled independently.

Once you buy a pet, you can't sell it and it can never become sick or die. There are 4 colors of each pet.

Horse Carts
Wooden Horse Cart5000 GAny SeasonNone
Striped Horse Cart5000 GAny SeasonNone
Mechanical Chicken300,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 3
Chinese Lion300,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 3
Cart Remodel, 2 pages to 3 pages1000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 3 pages to 4 pages2000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 4 pages to 5 pages3000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 5 pages to 6 pages5000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 6 pages to 7 pages10,000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 7 pages to 8 pages30,000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 8 pages to 9 pages100,000 GAny SeasonNone
Horse Rental
Pony (Black, Brown, Red, or White)5000 GAny SeasonNone
Thoroughbred (Black, Brown, Red, or White)10,000 GAny SeasonTunnel Connection #1 has been built
Draft (Black, Brown, Red, or White)20,000 GAny SeasonTunnel Connection #3 has been built and you rented a Thoroughbred
Cat (White or Black)5000 GAny SeasonOwn a Chick or Chicken
Cat (Brown or Yellow)5000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2 and own a Chick or Chicken
Small Dog (Black/White or Red/White)5000 GAny SeasonOwn a Sheep or Alpaca
Small Dog (Brown/Brown or Grey/White)5000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2 and own a Sheep or Alpaca
Large Dog (Tan/Green Bow or Tan/Blue Bow)5000 GAny SeasonOwn a Cow
Large Dog (Dark Brown/Red Bow or Light Brown/Blue Bow)5000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2 and own a Cow
Owl10,000 GAny SeasonTunnel Construction #1 has been built

Konohana Shops

Gombe's Seeds

Shop Hours:10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Mondays and Tuesdays

Gombe will sell crop vegetable seeds at his shop. He also sells normal Fertilizer you can use to increase the star rank of your corps.

Note: If you receive crop seeds as a prize for participating in the cooking fesivals or from a message board request, then Gombe will start to sell that seed in his shop. This allows you to unlock year 2 seeds in year 1.

Fertilizer1000 GAny SeasonNone
Potato Seeds170 GSpringNone
Turnip Seeds120 GSpringNone
Cabbage Seeds300 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 2
Cucumber Seeds350 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 2
Asparagus Seeds240 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 3
Strawberry Seeds850 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 3
Corn Seeds490 GSummerNone
Radish Seeds250 GSummerNone
Onion Seeds120 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 2
Pumpkin Seeds220 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 2
Tomato Seeds100 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 2
Pineapple Seeds4000 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 3
Watermelon Seeds3000 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 3
Carrot Seeds150 GFallNone
Eggplant Seeds330 GFallNone
Yam Seeds950 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 2
Spinach Seeds290 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 2
Green Pepper Seeds200 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 3
Daikon Seeds110 GWinterNone
Bok Choy Seeds370 GWinterStarting in Winter, Year 2
Trees / Bushes
Cherry Tree Seed100 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 2
Coffee Tree Seed120 GSpringStarting in Spring, Year 3
Peach Tree Seed250 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 2
Banana Tree Seed300 GSummerStarting in Summer, Year 2
Grape Tree Seed330 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 2
Apple Tree Seed120 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 2
Cacao Tree Seed2000 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 3
Mandarin Seed590 GWinterStarting in Winter, Year 2
Tea Tree Seed1000 GSpring and WinterStarting in Winter, Year 1
Rice Stalk90 GSpring and WinterStarting in Spring, Year 2
Wheat Seeds60 GSpring and WinterStarting in Winter, Year 1
Soybean Seeds100 GSummer and FallNone
Buckwheat Seeds80 GFall and WinterNone

Raul's Shop

Shop Hours: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Closed: Sundays

Raul sells the same things as Enrique, but in his shop you can find the Summer seasonal sun stones used for the Wifi crop field in the Goddess' Pond. He also sells different umbrellas, Fish Food, and Rice.

Pet Food150 GAny SeasonOwn a dog or a cat
Owl Food150 GAny SeasonOwn the owl
Horse Treat150 GAny SeasonNone
Fish Food150 GAny SeasonConstruct the Fish Pond
Dog Bone2500 GAny SeasonOwn a dog
Cat Bell2500 GAny SeasonOwn a cat
Red Umbrella500 GAny SeasonNone
Indigo Umbrella500 GAny SeasonNone
Oil100 GAny SeasonNone
Rice180 GAny SeasonNone
Curry Powder220 GSpring and WinterNone
Rice Candy200 GSpring and WinterOwn a Dog Bone or Cat Bell
Chili Pepper800 GSummer and FallNone
Seaweed180 GSpring and SummerNone
Sea Urchin500 GSpring and SummerNone
Edamame400 GSummer, Fall, and WinterNone
Truffle1000 GFallStarting in Fall, Year 2 and you own a Dog Bone or Cat Bell
Summer Sun2000 GAny SeasonStarting in Summer, Year 1. Only one for sale.
Winter Sun2000 GAny SeasonStarting in Winter, Year 1. Only one for sale
Blue Feather10,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2 and you have a pink flower with a bachelor or bachelorette

Yun's Tea House

Shop Hours:10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Closed: Tuesdays

Yun runs the tea house by herself while she takes care of her granddaughter, Ying. She makes a variety of tea drinks and asian-inspired meals.

Cucumber Namul180 GSpringNone
Asazuke240 GSummerNone
Tofu Salad410 GWinterNone
Boiled Spinach300 GFallNone
Shark Fin Soup140 GSpirngYear 2 or later
Egg Soup280 GSummerNone
Pho740 GSummerYear 2 or later
Soybean Soup500 GFallNone
Miso Soup450 GWinterNone
Egg Custard130 GSpringNone
Steamed Dumpling670 GSpringYear 2 or later
Simmered Potato220 GSpringNone
Roasted Corn390 GSummerNone
Sashimi80 GSummerNone
Cold Tofu260 GSummerYear 2 or later
Dashi Egg210 GSummerNone
Tuna Yukhoe810 GSummerYear 2 or later
Miso Eggplant340 GFallNone
Roasted Eggplant190 GFallNone
Baked Yam100 GFallNone
Pot Sticker680 GFallNone
Spring Roll570 GFallNone
Vegetable Stir Fry450 GWinterNone
Chinese Dumpling360 GWinterNone
Dried Tofu140 GWinterNone
Boiled Daikon170 GWinterYear 2 or later
Main Dish
Egg Rice Bowl280 GSpringNone
Sushi Bowl210 GSpringNone
Inari Sushi270 GSpringNone
Bamboo Shoot Rice120 GSpringNone
Natto Roll380 GSpringNone
Kappa Roll280 GSpringNone
Fried Rice220 GSummerNone
Cold Soba Noodles130 GSummerNone
Soba Dumplings260 GSummerNone
Grilled Fish70 GFallNone
Mixed Rice460 GFallNone
Tempura Bowl330 GFallNone
Kitsune Udon320 GFallNone
Tempura Soba400 GFallNone
Crab Omelet100 GFallNone
Sushi150 GWinterNone
Fish Stew180 GWinterNone
Milk Stew540 GWinterNone
Kimchi Stew650 GWinterNone
Oden220 GWinterNone
Bibimbap310 GWinterNone
Strawberry Candy390 GSpringNone
Bamboo Dumplings190 GSpringNone
Green Rice Candy190 GSpringNone
3 Color Dumplings420 GSpringYear 2 or later
Soybean Rice Candy290 GSummerNone
Sweet Dumplings280 GFallNone
Chestnut Bun160 GFallNone
Soy Milk Pudding440 GWinterNone
Egg Tart240 GWinterNone
Green Tea70 GSpringNone
Sencha Tea140 GSpringNone
Mixed Juice530 GSpringNone
Matcha Tea80 GSummerNone
Buckwheat Tea210 GSummerNone
Peach Juice220 GSummerNone
Banana Juice400 GSummerYear 2 or later
Apricot Wine (Gls)270 GSummerYear 2 or later
Puer Tea90 GFallNone
Oolong Tea140 GFallNone
Apple Juice170 GFallNone
Ginseng Tea390 GWinterNone
Mandarin Juice260 GWinterNone
Mixed Smoothie700 GWinterNone
Plum Juice40 GWinterNone
Plum Wine (Glass)270 GWinterYear 2 or later

Kana's Animals

Shop Hours:10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Fridays and Saturdays

Kana sells the same items as Grady in Blubell Town. The only real difference is the hours the shop is open if you marry Kana and you live in Bluebell. He still runs his pet store, but because he has to travel back to Konohana to open it, the opening time will be later. If you have not completed the tunnel between the two towns, then the shop will open at 12:00 pm. If you have completed the tunnel, then Kana can walk directly to his shop and opens it at 11:00 am.

Horse Carts
Wooden Horse Cart5000 GAny SeasonNone
Striped Horse Cart5000 GAny SeasonNone
Mechanical Chicken300,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 3
Chinese Lion300,000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 3
Cart Remodel, 2 pages to 3 pages1000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 3 pages to 4 pages2000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 4 pages to 5 pages3000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 5 pages to 6 pages5000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 6 pages to 7 pages10,000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 7 pages to 8 pages30,000 GAny SeasonNone
Cart Remodel, 8 pages to 9 pages100,000 GAny SeasonNone
Horse Rental
Pony (Black, Brown, Red, or White)5000 GAny SeasonNone
Thoroughbred (Black, Brown, Red, or White)10,000 GAny SeasonTunnel Connection #1 has been built
Dosanko (Black, Brown, Red, or White)20,000 GAny SeasonTunnel Connection #3 has been built and you rented a Thoroughbred
Cat (White or Black)5000 GAny SeasonOwn a Chick or Chicken
Cat (Brown or Yellow)5000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2 and own a Chick or Chicken
Small Dog (Black/White or Red/White)5000 GAny SeasonOwn a Sheep or Alpaca
Small Dog (Brown/Brown or Grey/White)5000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2 and own a Sheep or Alpaca
Large Dog (Tan/Green Bow or Tan/Blue Bow)5000 GAny SeasonOwn a Cow
Large Dog (Dark Brown/Red Bow or Light Brown/Blue Bow)5000 GAny SeasonStarting in Spring, Year 2 and own a Cow
Owl10,000 GAny SeasonTunnel Construction #1 has been built

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