Winter Seasonal Crops

Note: If you receive crop seeds as a prize for participating in the cooking fesivals or as a reward from a message board request, then Gombe will start to sell that seed in his shop. This allows you to unlock seeds before Gombe is scheduled to add them to his store inventory.


Gombe's Shop
110 G
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Profit

0.5 stars: 250 G
2.5 stars: 450 G
5 stars: 700 G
Water once per day3 days2 daysTotal: 5 days
Water twice per day2 days2 daysTotal: 4 days

Bok Choy

Gombe's Shop
370 G
Year 2 or later
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Profit

0.5 stars: 200 G
2.5 stars: 360 G
5 stars: 560 G
Water once per day4 days6 days3 daysTotal: 13 days
Water twice per day3 days4 days2 daysTotal: 9 days
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 3 when picked


Cam's Shop
140 G
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Profit

0.5 stars: 420 G
2.5 stars: 750 G
5 stars: 1170 G
Water once per day3 days2 days2 daysTotal: 7 days
Water twice per day2 days2 days1 daysTotal: 5 days


Cam's Shop
230 G
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Profit

0.5 stars: 630 G
2.5 stars: 1130 G
5 stars: 1760 G
Water once per day4 days3 days3 daysTotal: 10 days
Water twice per day3 days2 days2 daysTotal: 7 days

Blue Rose

Cam's Shop
1500 G
Year 2 or later
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Profit

0.5 stars: 3500 G
2.5 stars: 6300 G
5 stars: 9800 G
Water once per day4 days11 days5 daysTotal: 20 days
Water twice per day3 days7 days4 daysTotal: 14 days

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