Your Horse Cart


When you pick your first town, on the 3rd of Spring you will be given a horse cart and a pony. The cart will be placed next to your house and you can open it by either walking up to it and pressing A or by accessing the storage box next to the bed inside your house.

You can see the status of your horse cart by going inside of your house and pressing A at the mini horse cart on your side table. You will see the name of the cart, its description, how many pages of items it can hold, and its weight. The grey can icon directly to the right of the cart's image is how heavy the cart is and the box icon is its page size. Each "page" can hold up to 12 items in the horse storage cart.

Upgrading the horse cart storage is done individually at Grady or Kana's Animal shops. For example, the Bamboo Cart starts out with 4 pages and can expand out to 6 pages (max 72 slots). You have to buy the two additional "pages" one at a time. You'll need to spend 3000 G to upgrade your Bamboo Cart to 5 pages (60 slots) and then another 5000 G to reach 6 pages (72 slots). If you then swapped out your Bamboo Cart with the Striped Carriage, you would be back to using the original 48 slots until you also upgrade your Striped Carriage to 6 pages.

From X pages to Y pages2 to 33 to 44 to 55 to 66 to 77 to 88 to 9
Cost per page upgrade1000 G2000 G3000 G5000 G10,000 G30,000 G100,000 G

To attach the horse cart to your horse, hop onto your horse and gallop over to the horse cart. Then just press the Right Shoulder button on your DS or 3DS. To un-hitch the cart, ride over to where the cart is suppose to be and press the Right Shoulder button again.


The size of your horse will determine how fast it will run with a cart attached. If you're attaching a 3-can cart to your little horsie, don't expect it to run very fast! Make sure you have a horse of the appropriate size if you want to go traveling with the cart. A cart with one grey can icon can be pulled by all 3 types of horses (pony, thoroughbred, and draft) without any problem, but the pony will start having problems pulling a cart with 2 grey weight-cans. If you're going to be using a 3-can cart, the pony can only move at walking speed while the thoroughbred will slow down its pace. The draft horse has no problem pulling all three cart weight classes.

The horse cart will also affect the freshness decay rate of the items you place inside of it. Your beginning carts won't be very good at conserving your items' freshness, but starting in year 2 you will get carts that preserve freshness better. In year 3 you can buy a cart that permanently conserves freshness! In contract, your bag / rucksack is the worst at preserving freshness.

Types of Horse Carts

New horse carts will be rewarded to you from the cooking festival, message board requests, or purchased at the Animal shops. Grady and Kana sell the same horse carts.

Cart NamePagesWeightDecay RateShop CostRequirements
Old Cart2 to 4LightFastFreeReceive on Spring 3, year 1
Bamboo Cart4 to 6LightFast5000 GAvailable at either Animal shop from the beginning of the game
Shrine Cart6 to 8MediumSlow---Win any Cooking Festival in year 2 or later
Striped Carriage4 to 6LightFast5000 GAvailable at either Animal shop from the beginning of the game
Fancy Cart6 to 8MediumSlow---Win any Cooking Festival in year 2 or later
Dragon Cart7 to 9MediumSlow300,000 GAvailable at either Animal shop starting in year 3
UFO Cart5 to 9LightNONE---Raise Oracle's friendship to 2 Flowers and have Request Level rank 4 or higher. The request will appear on the Bluebell message board. You need 1 Stone Tablet, 5 White Alpaca Wool, and 19,771,116 G (over 19 million G)
Mecha Chicken7 to 9HeavyNONE300,000 GAvailable at either Animal shop starting in year 3
Sled6 to 8MediumSlow---Own the Shrine Cart, the Fancy Cart, have the tunnel between both towns reconnected, and then win a cooking festival starting in year 2 or later
Delivery Cart3 to 9LightFast---Raise Oracle's friendship to 2 Flowers and have Request Level rank 4 or higher. The request will appear on the Bluebell message board. You need 1 Mythic Ore, 5 Brown Alpaca Wool, and 30,000,000 G (30 million G)

Note: When you complete Oracle's request for the Delivery Cart, the dialog text that appears when you turn over the items will say that you received the UFO cart (again). You will get the Delivery Cart though.

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