
This bachelor takes care of the cows, chickens, and sheep that are for sale at his family's Animal Shop in Bluebell Town. Ash doesn't work directly behind the counter, so you will find him either tending to the animals out back or wandering around the town.

Ash is your regular normal-type personality. He is typically happy and likes to help out his little sister and mother.

Birthday: Spring 20

Family: Cheryl (little sister), Jessica (mother)

Favorite Outfit: Work Outfit

Favorite Wild Animals: None

Disliked Wild Animals: None

Friendship Tips: The easiest gifts to give Ash would be the specific insects that he likes. The bugs are typically going to be the ones in the gold-boxes after you catch them. You can catch these insects in Spring, Summer, and Fall, starting in year 1.

He also likes the animal products produced by Silkie Chickens, Jersey Cows, and Suffolk Sheep. These animals can be purchased from Jessica's Livestock shop starting Spring, year 2. He also likes items processed from these animals, but you won't get the maker necessary to create them until you have done a lot of upgrades on your Bluebell farm. These types of items are easy, but it will be a while in your game before you can make them.

Ash's favorite gift, Doria, is not sold at Howard's Cafe or Yun's Tea House. You have to make it yourself. There are some easy cooked recipes he likes, such as Potato Salad (potato + milk + pot), Radish Soup (radish + milk + pot), Baked Yam (yam + frying pan), Hot Milk (milk + pot), and Omelet (egg + milk + oil + frying pan)

Giving Gifts

Favorite Gift
+800 FP
Cooked Recipe (Main): Onion + Flour + Milk + Cooked Rice + Frying Pan (Note: If you give him Doria, he will talk about Gratin due to an item miscoding in the game. His favorite is Doria.)
Liked Gifts
+300 FP
Normal Items: Black Egg, Brown Alpaca Wool, Brown Alpaca Yarn, Cocoa, Gold Tea (Can), Gold Egg, Gold Milk, Good Wool, Great Butter, Great Cheese, Great Fruit Yogurt, Great Herb Butter, Great Herb Cheese, Great Herb Mayo, Great Mayonnaise, Great Wool, Great Yarn Ball, Great Yogurt, Jersey Milk, Legendary Treasure, Magic Red Flower, Red Bouquet, Suffolk Yarn Ball, White Alpaca Wool, White Alpaca Yarn, Yarn Ball

Insects: Ancient Dragonfly, Ant Hill Cricket, Atlas Beetle, Chattering Cicada, Crimson Dragonfly, Emma Field Cricket, Emperor Dragonfly, Emperor Firefly, Helena Morpho, Hercules Beetle, Lanturn Firefly, Migratory Locust, Oki Butterfly, Princess Cicada, Spotted Pond Frog, White Giant Beetle, White Morpho

Fish: (None)

Cooked Recipes: (salad) Potato Salad, (soup) Corn Soup, Radish Soup, (hordurve) Cream Croquette, Baked Yam, (main) Omelet, Omelet Rice, Gratin, Milk Curry, Macaroni & Cheese, Stew, Milk Stew, (dessert) Yam Dessert, Ice Cream, Baumkuchen, Scone, Soft Chocolates, Strawb. Soft Choc., Matcha Soft Choc., Almond Tofu, (misc) Hot Milk, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Café au Lait, Cappuccino, Honey Shake, Yogurt Shake, Mixed Smoothie
Standard Gifts
+50 FP
All other items not listed
Disliked Gifts
-300 FP
Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Brown Mushroom, Chicken Feed, Coral Mushroom, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Shiitake, Shimeji, Shiratama Flour, Snowball, Treat, Truffle, Trumpet Mushroom, Vegetable Treat, Weed

Insects: (None)

Fish: Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill, Large Char, Large Eel, Large Loach, Large Masu Salmon, Large Seabass, Large Snakehead, Large Sweetfish, Large Trout

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (soup) Shark Fin Soup, Tom Yum Goong, (hordurve) Steamed Mushroom, Egg Custard, Pot Sticker, Chop Suey, Chinese Dumpling, Spring Roll, Bibimbap, (main) Mushroom Pasta, Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tofu Steak, Kimchi Stew (dessert) Fruit Shiratama
Horror Gift:
-1000 FP
Roasted Mushroom
Cooked Recipe (Hordurve): Oil + a mushroom + Frying Pan

Flower Events

Date Information

  • Date Times: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Saturdays (11:00 am to 4:00 pm)
  • Date Locations: Good = Grady's Shop, Town Square, Howard's Cafe, Okay = By the Tunnel, Bad = By the River.

Purple Flower Event

screen shot

Time: Wednesday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Town Square
Friendships: Ash at a Purple Flower or higher, Cheryl at 1 flower (1000 FP) or higher

Ash is asking how your farm work is going, and wonders if you're getting overwhelmed. It isn't hard for you at all! If it gets too tough don't forget you can ask, even if he can only help a little bit.

Cheryl spots the two of you standing by the statue and comes over. She tells Ash that he promised to play with her today. Did he forget? Ash apologizes to his littler sister but right now he's talking with you. He asks if it would be all right to play with her later.

Cheryl becomes angry. She wants to play NOW!

  • Option 1: Play with me instead! (-3000 FP)

    Cheryl doesn't like that idea at all. He's suppose to play with her today! The two of you tug him back and forth until Ash has had enough of it. He has already made an obligation to his little sister and so he is going to go with her. The two of them leave together.
  • Option 2: You can play with her. (+3000 FP)

    Ash is glad that you're okay with him leaving to go play with his little sister. He'll have to take a raincheck but hopes to talk more with you next time.

Blue Flower Event

screen shot

Time: Wednesday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Grady's Shop
Friendships: Ash at a Blue Flower or higher, Cheryl at 1 flower (2000 FP) or higher

The two of you are watching the horses. Ash tells you that recently they had a new lamb arrive on their farm, although it seems to escape as soon as you take your eyes off of it. It is just a baby though, so Ash guesses that it misses its parents. Snow doesn't seem to get along with the other animals yet.

Just then the two of you notice a sheep wandering by. It has escaped again!

  • Option 1: Push her back to her pen. (-3000 FP)

    You try to push the lamb back but it runs towards Ash, who notices Snow is now totally stressed. After some coaxing from you, the sheep does head back to the barn.

    Ash asks what you said to her to make it change its mind. He's never seen a lamb persuaded like that before, although watching you first trying to force the sheep back to the barn wasn't something he wanted to see. Ash thanks you for helping return the sheep to the barn.
  • Option 2: Try and talk to her. (+3000 FP)

    You walk over and talk to Snow. Eventually the sheep happily walks back to the barn. Ash is impressed and has never seen a sheep persuaded like that before. You really are an interesting person! Ash thanks you for helping return the sheep to the barn.

Green Flower Event

screen shot

Time:Tuesday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Howard's Cafe
Friendship: Ash at a Green Flower or higher, Cheryl at 1 flower (5000 FP) or higher

The two of you are talking by Howard's place. Ash asks if you remember that lamb you helped him out with the other day. Since you talked to it, the lamb hasn't tried to leave anymore. He invites you to visit the barn where the lamb is.

Inside the barn, Snow seems to be very attached to you. A cow walks up to you, Ash, and the lamb but she is scared of it!

  • Option 1: Protect Snow. (-3000 FP)

    You scare the cow away and it runs out of the barn. The lamb loves the assistance you gave it, but Ash isn't as thrilled about it. He wants the sheep to learn how to make friends; for a moment, he thought it might happen. He thinks you might of been a little overprotective. Sometimes, helping out all time isn't the right thing to do.

    Ash apologizes for his little lecture, but thanks you for coming to visit the sheep.
  • Option 2: Watch what happens. (+3000 FP)

    The cow continues to be friendly, and eventually Snow realizes that the cow isn't going to hurt it. The two animals walk out towards the pasture together.

    Ash is glad to see that the lamb has made a friend. He thought you might step in and try to help her, but there wasn't anything to worry about. Ash wants to thank you again for helping his lamb, and now it has a friend! If it wasn't for you, the sheep would still be unhappy. You're great motivation for him to become a better rancher.

    Oh, look at the time! It seems like time flies when Ash is with you.

    (You will return back to your farmhouse after the event is finished)

Yellow Flower Event

screen shot

Time: Wednesday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, not Winter season
Date Location: Town Square
Friendship: Ash at a Yellow Flower or higher, Cheryl at 2 flowers (15,000 FP) or higher

You and Ash are chatting by the plaza statue when Cheryl walks up. She seems to be upset over something. Cheryl is quiet for a moment but then demands to know if Ash likes you! She gets so upset that she calls him a "bad brother" and runs off. Ash apologizes for his sister's outburst and decides to chase after her.

  • Option 1: I'll come with you. (+4000 FP)

    The two of you give chase, but you lose her. Ash suggests you start looking in the mountain while he checks things out around here.

    You find her in the mountain area. Cheryl is a little disappointed to see that it was you that found her and not her big brother. She really doesn't like you! Cheryl pushes you just as Ash shows up to catch you as you fall down.

    He is glad that you're not hurt and demands to know why his sister is pushing people away from her. Cheryl has been lonely because Ash has been spending time with you and not her. She does realize that what she did to you was awful and is really sorry.

    Ash also apologizes to his sister, and asks if she would like to hang out with the two of you some time. Cheryl is glad to have been invited and returns home happy. Ash thanks you for helping him out with his little sister.

    (You will return back to your farmhouse after the event is finished)
  • Option 2: I'll wait here. (-5000 FP)

    Ash understands. He'll go search for her and be back later.

    Ash does find his sister and the two of them walk back together. He thanks you for waiting for him and declares he's solved the problem with Cheryl; she was upset because he has been spending more time with you than with her. She has been missing her big brother and so he plans to spend more time with her in the future.

Marriage Requirements

Before you can propose marriage, you need to see Ash's 4 flower events, have him at a Red Flower color, be in year 2 or later, own the husband bed in your house, and have Cheryl and Jessica at 4 Flower (30,000 FP) each.

Ash does have a reverse proposal. If you want him to propose marriage, you need to have him at 65,000 FP and activate a date with him at Howard's Cafe, at the Town Square, or at Grady's Shop.


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

  • 6:00 am to 7:30 am - Jessica's Livestock
  • 7:30 am to 9:00 am - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
  • 9:00 am to 6:30 pm - Bluebell Town
  • 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
  • 9:00 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestockp

Wednesday, before tunnel completion; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

  • 6:00 am to 7:30 am - Jessica's Livestock
  • 7:30 am to 9:00 am - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
  • 9:00 am to 10:00 am - Jessica's Livestock
  • 10:00 am to 11:00 am - (walking to Howard's Cafe)
  • 11:00 am to 1:00 pm - Howard's Cafe
  • 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Bluebell Town
  • 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm - (in the barn behind the animal shop
  • 8:00 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestock

Wednesday, after tunnel completion; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

  • 6:00 am to 7:30 am - Jessica's Livestock
  • 7:30 am to 8:00 am - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
  • 8:00 am to 10:30 am - (walking through the tunnel to Konohana Town)
  • 10:30 am to 12:00 pm - Konohana Town Entrance (by Kana's Animals)
  • 12:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Konohana Town (by the Konohana Clinic)
  • 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Bluebell Town)
  • 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm - Bluebell Town Entrance
  • 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
  • 9:00 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestock

Wednesday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

  • 6:00 am to midnight - Jessica's Livestock

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