
Kana is the horse rancher of Konohana Town. He has a fondness for the animals and likes anyone who enjoys raising horses. In fact, some might say that he is obsessed with horses. Kana runs the pet shop in Konohana where he can rent a horse to you. He also sells dog pets and cat pets.

Birthday: Summer 13

Family: Dad (but he is not in the game)

Favorite Outfit: Cute Outfit

Favorite Wild Animals: All animals

Disliked Wild Animals: None

Friendship Tips: Kana is easy to befriend if you buy Horse Treats from Raul or Enrique's shops. You can sometimes get Horse Treats from message board requests. The treats don't lose freshness and are inexpensive at 150 G each. He also likes any "large" type of fish except for the Large Smelt.

His favorite item, Spicy Curry, is created from items purchased at the shops. The only thing you need to do is make the Cooked Rice from the Rice you can buy from Raul. The most expensive piece is the Chili Pepper, which sells for 800 G a piece. Spicy Curry is not sold at Howard's Cafe or Yun's Tea House, so you must make it yourself.

Giving Gifts

Favorite Gift
+800 FP
Spicy Curry
Cooked Recipe (main): Chili Pepper + Curry Powder + Cooked Rice + Pot
Liked Gifts
+300 FP
Normal Items: Apricot Wine, Beer, Cabbage Kimchi, Chestnut Wine, Chicha, Cucumber Kimchi, Cured Bok Choy, Daikon Kimchi, Fall Wine, Four Seasons Wine, Fruit Wine, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Legendary Treasure, Magic Red Flower, Mixed Kimchi, Plum Wine, Red Wine, Rose Wine, Spring Wine, Summer Wine, Sunflower Bouquet

Insects: Atlas Beetle, Hercules Beetle, White Giant Beetle, Migratory Locust, Emma Field Cricket, Ant Hill Cricket

Fish: Blue Crab, Bonito, Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill, Large Char, Large Eel, Large Funa, Large Goby, Large Icefish, Large Killifish, Large Loach, Large Masu Salmon, Large Sea Bass, Large Snakehead, Large Sweetfish, Large Trout, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish, Small Blue Crab, Smelt, Tuna

Cooked Recipes: (soup) Pho, (horderve) Canapé, Curry Dumpling, Pot Sticker, Tteokbokki, (main) Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Seaweed Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Kimchi Stew, Bibimbap, (misc) Sangria, Red Wine (Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer (Glass), Honey Wine (Glass), Chestnut Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls), Summer Wine (Gls), Fall Wine (Glass), 4 Seasons Wine Gls, Fruit Wine (Glass), Rose Wine (Glass)
Standard Gifts
+50 FP
All other items not listed
Disliked Gifts
-300 FP
Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Chicken Feed, Cocoa Pack, Fall Honey, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Fruit Honey, Grain Treat, Honey, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Poison Mushroom, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Spring Honey, Summer Honey, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed,

Insects: (None)

Fish: (None)

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (horderve) Honey Toast, (dessert) All desserts, (misc) Apple Jam, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam, Blueberry Jam, Honey Tea, Hot Chocolate, Honey Shake, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice, Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls)
Horror Gift:
-1000 FP
Mont Blanc
Cooked Recipe (dessert): Chestnut + Cake + Seasoning Set

Flower Events

Date Information

  • Date Times: Tuesdays (6:00 pm to 10:00 pm), Fridays or Saturdays (11:00 am to 4:00 pm)
  • Date Locations: Good = On The Bridge, Kana's Place, By the Tree, Okay = Grove, Bad = Bench

Purple Flower Event

screen shot

Time: Friday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: On the bridge
Friendships: Kana at a Purple Flower color or higher

At the bridge, Kana asks if you have a horse. He admires the horse's eyes, the legs, and even a horse's muzzle. Each horse has a different color, body, and even face. He never gets tired of it! Kana asks if you like horses.

  • Option 1: You bet I do! (+3000 FP)

    Kana is glad that you like horses, and invites you to take a look at his best one, Hayate. Kana declares that he's never seen such a beautiful horse before. You would really enjoy meeting his horse! Kana thanks you and then returns to his house.
  • Option 2: I'm not really into them. (-3000 FP)

    Really? Kana asks why then do you have a horse; he guesses you just use it as a convenient way to get around. He tells you that you don't appreciate your horse. It isn't just some thing you can ride around on! It's a living animal with feeelings!

    Kana suggests that you check out his horses, especially his favorite one, Hayate. You quietly sneak away while Kana continues to ramble on about his horse.

Blue Flower Event

screen shot

Time: Friday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
Date Location: Kana's Place
Friendships: Kana at a Blue Flower color or higher

Kana introduces you to his favorite horse, Hayate. He and Hayate have grown up together, but they didn't get along at first. He hand fed her every day until they became friends. Now that she's older though, Hayate's legs cause her problems. Kana is gentle with her now.

  • Option 1: She's like family... (+3000 FP)

    Kana says he's known her longer than anyone else. Hayate is an irreplaceable member of Kana's family. Hayate appears to agree with her "brother". Kana is glad he was able to introduce you to Hayate and invites you to come by on occasion to meet with them.
  • Option 2: Let's race! (-4000 FP)

    Apparently you weren't listening to Kana's story. Even if you were kidding, it isn't a good thing to talk about. Kana is mad and suggests you go home.

Green Flower Event

screen shot

Time: Friday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
Date Location: Kana's Place
Friendships: Kana at a Green Flower color or higher

You notice the large horse statue in Kana's shop. He tells you that his father made the wooden horse. When he was a kid, Kana's dad would get angry at him if he was caught playing on the statue. His father loves horses and has searched the world looking for a good one. In fact, it has been years since Kana has had any contact with him. Kana assumes that he's fine, but he does worry a little bit about him.

  • Option 1: ....... (-4000 FP)

    Your silence makes Kana even more worried. You're making him worried and depressed, and asks that you leave.
  • Option 2: I'm sure he's doing fine!

    He is probably fine and will come home once he's found the best horse in the world. Kana admits he shouldn't be so worried. Your smile and supportive words seem to have cheered him up as well as cause him to blush a little bit. Kana then changes the subject and invites you go meet with Hayate before you head home.

Yellow Flower Event

screen shot

Time: Friday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the tree
Friendship: Kana at a Yellow Flower color or higher, Dirk at 3 White Flowers (20,000 FP) or more

The two of you are talking when Dirk walks up to Kana with a letter. Dirk hands over the letter and leaves. Kana opens the letter and discovers it is from his dad! His dad explains that he finally found the best horse in the entire world, but because he wants to raise the horse in the best environment possible, he can't return home yet. He plans on raising the horse at Kana's mother's old village. In fact, he wants Kana to move back with him!

Kana wonders if he should move. It is rather sudden and he does have work to do here...

  • Option 1: Follow your heart. (+3000 FP)

    Kana has decided that he is going to stay in this town. His dad may be disappointed, but he loves this village and wants to live here. There's actually a person in town that he doesn't want to leave behind. He gets a little embarrassed and asks you never mind what he said. He thanks you for your advice and then invites you to go back to his place together to hang out with Hayate. Kana wants to spend more time together with you, too!
  • Option 2: You should go. (-4000 FP)

    Kana feels like you don't care if he moves away to the other town. He's already decided; he is going to stay in Konohana Town. His dad may be disappointed, but he loves this village and wants to live here. It looks like he wanted to say something else, but he doesn't want to worry you. Kana then leaves to return to his shop.

Additional Marriage Requirements

Because Kana doesn't have any family in town, you don't need to raise your friendship with anyone other than what is required with Dirk in order to see the yellow flower event.

Kana does have a reverse proposal. If you want him to propose marriage, you need to have him at 65,000 FP and activate a date with him at Kana's Place, By The Tree, or On The Bridge.


Sunday through Thursday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

  • 6:00 am to 7:30 am - Kana's Animals
  • 7:30 am to 8:30 am - (inside the animal shop barn)
  • 8:30 am to 9:30 am - (in the animal shop pasture area)
  • 9:30 am to 5:30 pm - Kana's Animals
  • 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm - (inside the animal shop barn)
  • 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
  • 7:30 pm to midnight - Kana's Animals

Friday or Saturday, before the tunnel is completed; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

  • 6:00 am to 7:30 am - Kana's Animals
  • 7:30 am to 8:30 am - (inside the animal shop barn)
  • 8:30 am to 12:00 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
  • 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm - (walking to Yun's Tea House)
  • 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Yun's Tea House
  • 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm - (walking back to Kana's Animals)
  • 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
  • 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
  • 6:00 pm to midnight - Kana's Shop

Friday or Saturday, after the tunnel is completed; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

  • 6:00 am to 7:30 am - Kana's Animals
  • 7:30 am to 10:00 am - (inside the animal shop barn)
  • 10:00 am to 12:00 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Bluebell Town)
  • 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Bluebell Town (by Grady's Animals)
  • 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Konohana Town)
  • 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm - (inside the animal shop barn)
  • 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
  • 7:30 pm to midnight - Kana's Animals

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

  • 6:00 am to midnight - Kana's Animals

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