
Iroha's Concentration

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» Dr. Klaus' Clinic
» 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
» Saturday or Sunday
» Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy weather
» You are playing as the girl main character
» Klaus is living in the village
» Iroha has 20,000 FP or more
» Klaus has 5000 FP or more

Klaus is doing what he does best - lecturing. This time he is nagging Iroha, who apparently has suffered a small injury. Iroha says she isn't hurt that bad, but Klaus is bothered by the fact that she's at the clinic every single time she trains. Every time she apologizes, yet every day she gets hurt.

Iroha admits that once she starts training, every concern just fades from her thoughts. Klaus is annoyed with her lack of concentration, but he comes up with an idea. He says the next time Iroha hurts herself, he wants you to dismantle her forge! A blacksmith has to handle a lot of dangerous tasks, and some day he fears she will become seriously injured. From his point of view, if she can't train then she won't get hurt.

You try to reason with Klaus, but it backfires; you too are no better than her. Always coming to the clinic with one injury after another. Klaus orders the two of you to sit and listen to his lecture.

Back at Iroha's house, the doctor's long-winded lecture has mentally drained Iroha. She vowes to try to prevent any future injuries just so she can stay away from the clinic for awhile.

Result: +1000 FP with Iroha

Dialog Collector and Credit: Neostar

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