House Blueprints
There are 15 blueprints used to construct the villager's houses. When you start the game, Echo Village will already be populated with several houses. Blueprints for the original buidings will not be available. When you construct a villager's house, the person who owns the building will move in shortly afterward. If you build the Exotic Mansion in Fall, you will not meet its residents until Winter.
Salon (Allen)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, Town Restoration Plan #2
25 Material Stone + 50 Small Lumber + 5 Iron
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 14x12
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Cottage (Rod)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, Town Restoration Plan #3
35 Small Branches + 25 Material Stone + 40 Lumber + 5 Wool
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 12x10
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Eastern-Style House (Soseki)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, Town Restoration Plan #4
15 Material Stone + 80 Lumber + 20 Fodder + 1 Amethyst + 5 Wheat
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 9x12
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Architecht's Studio (Rebecca and Toni)
Spring 25, Year 1
30 Small Stone Lumber + 30 Small Lumber
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 13x10
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Exotic Mansion (Amir and Sanjay)
Rebecca's Shop, 5600 G, Town Restoration Plan #5
260 Material Stone + 120 Lumber + 10 Gold + 5 Adamantite + 5 Mithril
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 8x14
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Newspaper Carrier (Tina)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, After Spring 25 of Year 1
25 Material Stone + 50 Small Lumber + 5 Copper
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 11x12
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Fantastical House (Michelle)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, Town Restoration Plan #4
60 Material Stone + 60 Lumber + 10 Yarn Ball + 10 Glass Stone + 5 Flourite
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 13x12
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Pointy Hat House (Witch Princess)
Locate and combine the three Black Fragments
30 Black Material Stone + 30 Black Lumber + 15 Linen + 3 Glittering Stone + 5 Ancient Clay Figure
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 14x12
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Travel Agency (Camellia, Charles, and Hina)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, Town Restoration Plan #4
120 Material Stone + 10 Small Lumber + 10 Lumber + 10 Copper + 10 Brick
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 9x10
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Clinic (Klaus)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, Town Restoration Plan #3
65 Material Stone + 15 Small Lumber + 40 Lumber + 3 Iron
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 11x12
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Restaurant (Clement)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400, Town Restoration Plan #2
50 Material Stone + 65 Small Lumber + 5 Brick + 5 Mint
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 9x10
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Inn (Felicity, Hosan, Niko, and Sandra)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, Town Restoration Plan #3
20 Small Material Stone + 80 Material Stone + 35 Lumber + 5 Silver + 10 Glass Stone
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 9x12
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Bungalow (Olivia)
Rebecca's Shop, 2400 G, Town Restoration Plan #5
35 Black Material Stone + 60 Black Lumber + 15 Glass Stone + 3 Jade + 5 Amethyst
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 14x10
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Memory Museum (no resident; Dunhill lives at his house)
Receive from Dunhill after you complete Town Restoration Plan #5
19 Black Material Stone + 56 Black Lumber + 12 Moon Stone + 1 Mythic Ore
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 9x12
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only
Tailor's Shop (no resident; Yuri lives at Emma's house)
Rebecca's Shop, 4000 G, Fall of Year 2
Receive from Emma at 20,000 FP, Town Restoration Plan #3
35 Material Stone + 60 Lumber + 10 Iron + 5 Mint
Sell Price: 0 G
Size: 9x10
GS Theme: None
Placement: Village only