
Water Crops

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There are three crops you can grow on your farm that require submersion in water: Rice, Lotus Root, and Wasabi. The blueprint for the Paddy becomes available at Rebecca's shop on Summer 1 of your first year. The Paddy blueprint requires you to combine 8 Small Material Stone and 8 Soil for each one.

Next you'll need some plant starters. Hana will start to sell Lotus Root Seedlings in her shop starting on Summer 1 of year 1. She also will sell Rice Seedlings but not until Spring of year 2. For the Wasabi Seedling, you need to visit the Land of the East via Charles' travel service. When you arrive, find Sakura by the open house. Talk to her until she gives you one Strawberry Seed or one Wasabi Seedling, and she rotates each time you visit; Strawberry, Wasabi, Strawberry, Wasabi, etc.

You will need to till the soil in the Paddy and then fill it with water. You can keep filling the Paddy until it reaches its maximum water level, when you'll receive an on-screen prompt that you can't fill it anymore. If you leave it alone at its max level, the water will be depleted after seven days. If it rains, it will add water to the Paddy. The crop will not grow any faster based on the water level.

One seedling will fill one tilled square of space in the Paddy. You can use Fertilizer on a water crop, but when you place your leveled-up crop into the Seed Maker you'll only receive one seedling in return; one goes in, one comes out. This means it is fairly inefficient to upgrade the Star Rank of your water crops, since as soon as you use the crop (ship, cook, etc.) you have to start over from the beginning with a new seedling.

Rice Seedlings can only be planted in Spring. Lotus Root and Wasabi are not season-specific. Use your sickle to harvest Paddy crops. Remember to wait until the crop's name appears when you stand on it before you attempt to harvest.

The money you earn for shipping water-based crops will be affected by your miscellaneous brand. If you have won a Crop Festival in the Other category then the profit you earn will increase 120% more, 150% more, or 200% more depending on the rank of your brand.

Hana's General Store for 160 G starting in Spring of year 2
Win from the Crop Festival or the Honey Festival
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Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5MATURE
20 days14 days10 days10 days13 days68 days
Does not regrow
Shipping Profit (1 star to 5 star)
Normal: 600 G | 800 G | 1000 G | 1200 G | 1400 G
Seedling: 108 G | 144 G | 180 G | 216 G | 252 G
Rice (processed): 216 G | 288 G | 360 G | 432 G | 504 G
Rice Flour (processed): 264 G | 352 G | 440 G | 528 G | 616 G
Hana's General Store for 260 G starting Summer of year 1
Win from the Crop Festival or the Honey Festival
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Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4MATURE
4 days3 days3 days5 days16 days
Does not regrow
Shipping Profit (1 star to 5 star)
Normal: 360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G | 840 G
Seedling: 180 G | 240 G | 300 G | 360 G | 420 G
Talk to Sakura at the Land of the East
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Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4MATURE
5 days5 days5 days5 days21 days
Does not regrow
Shipping Profit (1 star to 5 star)
Normal: 1080 G | 1440 G | 1800 G | 2160 G | 2520 G
Seedling: 864 G | 1152 G | 1440 G | 1728 G | 2016 G